Housing Choice Voucher
What is the Housing Choice Voucher?
The Housing Choice Voucher Program for Pike County is a federally funded housing program administered by the Pike County Housing Authority for very low income families.
Participants of this program will pay their landlord only a portion of their monthly rent, based on a percentage of their adjusted income. The Housing Choice Voucher Program will pay the Landlord the difference.
What Families are Eligibile?
Eligibility for a rental voucher is determined by the Housing Authority based on income. In general, the family's income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which the family chooses to live. Median income levels are published by HUD and vary by location.
How Can a Family Participate?
To participate in this program, a family must apply with the Pike County Housing Choice Voucher Program and be certified as eligibile. They are allowed to seek suitable housing from landlords who wish to participate.
What Type of Housing Qualifies?
Any rental housing, including single family, apartments, or mobile homes qualify as long as the unit is in decent, safe, and sanitary conditions according to Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and the rent falls within federally estabilshed Fair Market Rent Limits.
How Are Payments Made?
Every month, the landlord may receive two checks: one from the family representing approximately 30% of the adjusted family income or 10% of their gross income and one from the Housing Choice Voucher Program for the difference between the family's payment and the actual rent.
Further Questions?
If you have further questions, contact the Pike County Housing Authority's Housing Choice Specialist at (606)432-4178
FSS Family Self-Sufficiency Program
Where do you imagine yourself in 5 years? A new job? A finished degree? Moving towards home ownership?
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program is a 5-year work and saving program for families receiving housing assistance.
Working with a dedicated FSS Coordinator, program participants set short- and long-term goals that will increase their ability to earn a greater income and move toward self-sufficiency.
Participants in the FSS program have earned higher education and training, built a savings account, bought a reliable vehicle, secured new work, and more! FSS Coordinators help participants identify obstacles, set targets, and move closer to where they want to be.
"Everything's impossible until someone does it."